All in one long drive: Accepting rejection, Changing habits and “Who needs God?”

Recently, on a long drive home after dropping my Son off at camp, I listened to several Ted Talk summaries on Ted Radio Hour, followed by a series of 6 Podcasts by Andy Stanley titled “Who needs God?”

The “accepting rejection” Ted talk was helping in thinking about rejection differently, from a perspective of opportunity rather than anything else. The “changing habits” Ted Talk was a good reminder and an offer of hope, I’m two weeks into putting my keys and wallet in the same place each time I return home, I’m a work in progress.

RE: Who needs God? This is just a great series of podcasts by Andy Stanley, a terrific follow-up to several self-help Ted Talks.


Jia Jiang: Can You Train Yourself To Accept Rejection?

“Who needs God?” by @AndyStanley #GCTOGOD

About GettingCloserToOurGod

This blog is written by Todd Christenson. He was raised in Nebraska and currently lives on Long Island in New York. Though out my childhood, my family attended church. We prayed together at meals. I thought I was prepared for life. After college, I moved to New York City. Shy, unsure of myself, building an identity in worldly things, increasingly prideful, self-righteousness, a controlling nature. In 2013, God spoke through someone, suggesting I confess my sins. I did. I realized that every day, I’d been glorifying myself, not God. Today, God’s teaching me to have my identity in Him, only, my dependency in Him, not myself, being who He wants me to be, not the world, loving Him first, loving others as myself.
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